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Combating Immigration Fraud: Detecting and Preventing Fake Degree Certificates

There is a chance that a valid degree is likely to be lost. But, reclaiming an academic degree can take time and money.

A fake certificate can also be used to entice innocent people into engaging in fraud. You must be able to identify a fake certificate by some obvious indicators.

Immigration Fraud

The majority of fraud committed in immigration is by falsifying official documents. The consequences can be severe. It’s important to work with an experienced and trusted lawyer to help ensure your rights.

Immigration fraud is common among immigrants trying to get legal status and stay out of being deported. Therefore, they are easy targets for scammers, who charge fees for fraudulent and unapproved services. Scammers can accuse immigrants of deportation or use other methods to get cash.

For instance an imposter or fake Immigration and Customs Enforcement agent might visit the home of an immigrant, give them a warrant and ask for cash. This is called a robocall. EOIR’s Fraud Program offers a variety of resources to help victims report robocalls and other types of fraud in the immigration system.

Other types of immigration fraud include sex-based and bribery. Immigration officials can detect fraud by examining the smallest details. If you are applying for green cards due to an unconstitutional marriage, for instance the citizenship of your applicant could be removed in the future.

The fraud of permits, visas, or other documents required by federal regulations and laws can be a serious crime and can result in severe penalties. For example, if you are caught in this type of fraud, you could be deported or barred from entering the United States.

Employment-based visas

Fake degrees are commonly utilized by foreigners in a variety of different fields. If they are caught, those who do so could face severe penalties including criminal prosecution or removal of the country and see here This could affect legitimate employers and employees in particular, those that are dependent on the abilities of these workers for critical jobs.

Verifying education credentials is the most effective way to prevent becoming an innocent victim. Credential verification services that employ automated techniques will help you quickly and effectively identify fakes and falsification. The services are available via web browsers and cost less than hiring a professional manually look up the education records.

Immigration fraud is more intricate. According to a BBC report, a lot of foreigners don’t know what criteria are used to evaluate visa applications. They may assume that the officer will look through their application if it includes an unauthentic degree from a well-known college, even if the college is reputable.

Lehigh University, for example has recently admitted that they admitted an advanced degree from students who were not graduates of its undergraduate program. Apparently, the school assumed that the claim of graduating from an eminent Indian university was true because she had an I-20 and an acceptance letter.

Student Visas

The people who hire students to get fake degrees are motivated by a variety of factors. It is no wonder that the US higher education industry has seen an increase in international student recruitment, especially from India. In 2011, India overtook China as the most popular source of undergraduate students nation, and the trend is expected to continue.

Many recruiters are able to lure students by promising a faster visa process and lower tuition charges in their home country. Once they have a potential student in their program, they can earn a profit by offering additional services like housing, internships and material for the course.

If a student is enlisted by a school which appears authentic, they can be tempted to submit their credentials without additional inquiry. This is a huge mistake since the authenticity of certificates can easily be verified.

Authentication features like watermarks, UV invisible ink and security threads are generally found on authentic certificates, however not on fake certificates. Use of American phrases like “with honors” or Latin expressions like “cum laude” are also obvious signs of fake certificates.

In some instances fake diplomas can have a far-reaching impact, and even devastate genuine graduates. False qualifications could lead to being offered jobs which they’re not qualified for. In the meantime, genuine applicants are forced to compete with fraudulent graduates on the job market.

Credential Verification

For companies that offer certificates (such such as ISO accreditation) this fraud trend is a growing threat. A company can be unable to sell its products and its reputation if it fakes certificates. Sometimes, it could cause legal actions.

The wrong credentials may also hinder an organization from being able to gain access to certain market. This is particularly true for industries that require a qualification based on skills. Many positions in the food industry require an Food Hygiene Certificate, or a First Aid certification. This is to ensure safety and health reasons. Failure to comply with these requirements may result in sanctions or legal action.

In another scenario the fake degree could be used to alter the immigration laws. A fake degree is an example. It could be handed out by an immigration official in order to extend visa rights. The Department of Homeland Security designed an undercover operation to expose this kind of fraud by setting up fake University of Farmington in Michigan. The fake school accepted tuition and enrollment fees, but had no instructors or classes.

Credential verification is a systematic process of checking and confirming that an individual’s qualifications for academics as well as professional credentials, work experience and other credentials are genuine and authentic. This means checking documents, letters, and even contacting the authority issuing them to confirm claims. It’s a vital process which protects institutions from fraud and people from fraudulent claims. It also makes sure that those with the required credentials are actually competent to perform their duties or access specialist services.

Categories: Career

Frank Rusell